Entrepreneur Protection
Being an entrepreneur is, of course, all about taking risks but carving out a business empire in some of the “livelier” parts of the world can mean putting more than your money on the line.
Kidnapping for ransom is a daily occurrence in some parts of the world.
So, any businessperson aiming to become a globalised go-getter would be remiss if they did not take the time to understand the very real risk.
The chance of you or your employees falling victim to economic kidnapping are extremely remote but don`t leave yourself a hostage of fortune.
UK legislation requires the organisation to assess all risks that might foreseeably impact employees and to mitigate those risks appropriately.
Consequently, if organisations send employees overseas to conduct business a risk assessment must be conducted, which includes assessing the security-related risks that the business travelers may encounter, including during the traveler’s time of failure to do so may result in the organisation and its senior executives facing legal proceedings.
According to the think tank the Foreign Policy Centre, economic kidnap is not just an industry, it is one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet.
Therefore, kidnapping and ransom is not just a risk formultinational corporations.
Exactly what is the scale of the problem? PMI health group, the UK`s largest independently owned provider of employee healthcare and risk management services, says that over 12,000 kidnappings are reported each year in more than 40 countries.
Whatever security services are required, organisations and individuals are advised to select a security risk management company that will provide them with protection appropriate to
the level of threat and risk, rather than merely offering those services that the client may mistakenly believe to be required, or those whose delivery will offer the most profit to the unscrupulous provider.